Friday, March 2, 2012

Favorite Find Friday......

I am so thrilled about today's post I could hardly wait.  This past weekend my hubby and I did some thrifting.  Normally, I don't weed through the clothes only because for him it can be quite boring and I really enjoy spending time with him so I didn't want to ruin it.  But as we browsed I stumbled on 3 items that kind of just stuck out and he liked them, so I tried them on and then hemmed and hawed over spending $12 on these sweet pieces.  (Cheap skate, I know)  Anyways, that was until I saw a sign that said 50% off entire store.  WHAT, 50%!!!  Could it be?   Yes it was true.  So now my hubby was off to his section to see if he could find a few things for himself.  I'm sure you can guess what I started to, shop, shop.  It was a grand day and can't wait any longer to share my favorite find for this week and the fab. prices I paid.
Markon boots (never heard of the brand myself, but love the style)
$5.99 on sale for $3!
Ann Taylor Loft orange sweater
$3.99 on sale for $2!
Banana Republic white tailored button top
$3 on sale for $1.50!
The belt is old and the jeans I got for Christmas.
Kohls on sale for $19.99. (not a great deal, but jeans can be tricky for me)
That is a grand total of....$26.50 for a new outfit.
Here I am, pleased with my bargains. 
Not only am I excited for me, but the little money I spent that day goes to a good cause!
Thank you, Bethesda Thrift store in Appleton and Five Days...Five Ways blog for the inspiration.
five days five ways  feature friday free for all

Blessings, Connie  


Kim said...

Always beautiful! So thankful you can feel as beautiful on the outside as God made you on the inside. ♥

Annesta said...

You inspire me!
Next time I go shopping, it's a thrift store for me!


Connie said...

Your both so sweet!
Blessings, Connie


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge