Monday, January 23, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY: January 23, 2012

Outside my window...tire tracks in the snow.

I am thinking...I am not really a simple woman at all.  I may start out that way in the beginning of the week, but by Friday, I am for sure complicated!

I am thankful...for my new hideaway garbage can.  I am loving it! (except I keep walking to where my old one use to be.)

In the kitchen...potatoes are boiling and on their way to being mashed.

I am will be surprised I'm exercise clothes.

I am lesson plans for the next few weeks.

I am going...the gym later today.

I am long before my past will just stay there.

I am reading...Feathers from my Nest and Art of the Smart, almost done!!!

I am hoping...dinner will be delicious.

I am looking forward to...spending some time with my sweet friend at a health expo.

I am listen. 

Around the house...laundry awaits to be folded and the rustling of legos!

I am pondering....

A favorite quote for today..."We pay you to get to 1st base, not out at 2nd."  -Moneyball

One of my favorite the kindness of my children to one another. 

A few plans for the rest of the week: finish grading, planning, health expo, coffee:), Frozen Tundra Flag Football tourn, and more that I won't bore you with.

A peek into my day...planning and wrapping things up.

Who doesn't love super models in BIG HATS!

If you would like to participate with your own daybook or 
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Thanks for stopping by!
                        Blessings, Connie

1 comment:

Annesta said...

Love the look of your blog and your quote. Isn't it true that laundry seems to just multiply before our very eyes?
Hope you have a good week.


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge