Thursday, October 14, 2010

World Traveler: Day 1/2ish: Europe/Zaandam, Netherlands

This is the whether that welcomed us on Thursday morning. We left home on Wednesday and landed on Thursday, so we are a little jet lagged to say the least. We made it from the airport to the train to our hotel without a hitch.
Our hotel was the first thing we saw when we got off the train. It was pretty hard to miss;)
This is our room. Each door has a small picture of the theme of the room that is from Netherlands history. This is ours.
This is the lobby. It is so interesting that alot of stuff is in English and the background music in places is also English/American music.

The elevator. I love European design.

Just us with puffy, burning eyes. Is it bedtime yet?

Beautiful view on our stroll down the cobblestone roads.

I thought this cafe was so cool out front. Especially with the bikes.

In the back ground you can see the bank that we ended up at getting Euros~there is a funny story I will share below on that:)

Our first official meal in Europe. Chicken doner~YUM, seems to be enough said in any language! I loved it and hope to eat another before we leave here. Our server didn't speak much English and so we just did some pointing and nodding and it worked out well. We asked for a receipt and the poor guy had no idea what we were asking, so one of the customers heard us and said it in whatever they were speaking.

Next store to where we at dinner was this cute ice cream, coffee, and cupcake place. We learned here to ask if they spoke English and it made things a little easier.

All I can say is it was to die for! DELICIOUS!

My kids would have been in heaven. Troy had crunch and I tried the yellowish one with chocolate chunks in it. He said it had some ingredients from England in it. Very unique, but I loved it. They make it fresh daily.

This was the decore, so cute.

Oh yeah, it was good.
Today felt like we landed on Mars. We are exhausted for one and can speak or read any of the language which has proven to be a challenge to say the least. First off, at the airport getting a ticket for the train to our hotel was interesting. We got the ticket no problem, found where we had to board and as we stood there wondering what to do with our tickets the train left. HA! We decided we would just watch and see what everyone else was doing and do what they did. Eventually another train returned and got us to where we needed to be. Although, they don't mess around. You better get on when you need to and off, cuz they don't wait for nobody. We saw 2 women almost get squished by the door. Then we were on the hunt for a ATM machine to get some Euros and needless to say we had no idea what we were doing. So, again we were watching people at some machines that we thought were ATMs and then we were going to try to do what they did, but after 3 times of trying to figure it out I decided we should just ask some people who were using them. Turns out these machines were where they paid for their parking. Yes, we gave the 2 ladies that were helping us a good laugh and we had one to. Then they pointed us in the right direction. We have now been up for over 24 hours and keep checking the time so we can rest our weary heads. Tomorrow we will head to the City Center of Amsterdam. Hope to see where Anne Frank lived and eat some more wonderful food.


Anonymous said...

So glad you made it there alright and were able to get around enough to get some good eats. Can't wait to read more!


Anonymous said...

bring some ice cream home for me.
I love you and miss you alot. :)
your favorite kid Tori

P.S. grandmas doing a great job.
she wanted me to type this :)

Jessica-MomForHim said...

Have a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to try some pastries--they are wonderful too!

Auntie Ellen

Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys made it there ok. We are taking good care of Carter, the boys are having a blast together. I love the pictures and to hear about your trip I cannot wait to hear more!


Lisa said...

Yeah! So glad you guys make it there safely and are finding your way. Looking forward to traveling with you as you keep us posted.

Love you guys, Lisa


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge