Monday, April 5, 2010

The Testimony

I was inspired by LPM blog to share my testimony on Good Friday in few words. So, it sort of came to me in poetry form. Here it is:

Broken hearted,
Marriage a mess,
pregnant again,
Invite to Bible study,
Read the Word,
Comfy blue chair,
Poured out
mercy and grace.
Soul saved,
Marriage repaired,
Family restored,
lives transformed.
Forever praising,
My Saviors name.


Kim said...

My dearest Connie, you are:

Renewed in Christ,
Pouring out His love to others,
Encouraging and compassionate,
Walking in obedience,
Forever praising your Saviors name.

Thank you sweet friend!

Connie said...

Thanks my dear friend. Your words are such a blessing to my heart.


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge