Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quilt inspiration.....

"Comfy Quilt"

One could say it was the motivation for marriage;) When Troy and I started to date it wasn't long before I stumbled on this hand made quilt his Aunt Brenda made for him. Whenever I would go to his place for a visit I would have him drag it out and it wasn't long it found its way to my house and I think I even remember thinking, "If we break-up, he is not getting this back." I LOVED this quilt. I used it on the couch, then would drag it to bed. It didn't even matter if it was summer, I used it. It was just the right weight and the fabric was comfy. Then, I'm not sure what happened, but it wasn't used for awhile and then when I stumbled on it this past December, it had holes and huge rip in it, and for a moment I thought it would be time to toss it out. As I stood with it in my hand, I realized, it was just to much a part of our life together and folded it up and set it in the blanket basket. Then it came to me. What a perfect thing to try my hand at quilting. (I couldn't wreck it any worse than it was.) So for a surprise, I fixed it up and gave it to Troy for a Christmas gift. He thought it was pretty cool. Then it happened. What you ask. The fighting. Troy was always happy to just let me have it when it was the 2 of us, but now there are 5 of us and it became the coveted blanket. UGGGGG. I had no hope. I was never going to get to use it again, thanks to our kids. No one even cared about this old rag 2 weeks ago. I must have done a wonderful job, since they all wanted it, so I decided to make each of them their own and hope they would love it just as much. So I got very busy picking out fabric, cutting, and sewing. I was intentional in all the fabrics that are on each quilt. There is a little piece of each of us on each quilt. Troy's old jeans, which he was surprised to have donated for the cause, my old favorite bib shorts, Trevors fabric from the rocking chair when he was a baby, Tori's library bag fabric, and Carter's favorite camo pants, etc., etc., etc. It took about 3 weeks to get them all done, but I did it. Now each of them have their own "Comfy Quilt" as I like to call them. I told the kids, that when it comes time, and they think they have found the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with, they just need to pull out their quilts and see if they love it and try to steal it and if they do, they will know their the one:)
Yeap, for me the only way to be sure to keep the quilt was to marry the man. Although, the man has reclaimed his "comfy quilt". So, I guess it's back to the sewing table for me:)
Loving Comfy Quilts,
(who would have thought, me sewing?)

1 comment:

Milk Drinker said...

Grandma would be proud of you just like me! She would be thrilled to know that both of us are quilting!! Yes, who would have thought!


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge