Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SOL/Connie: "Sew" Sweet

Happy Birthday to me early, way early!!!
My dear sweet Mom, insisted that as I begin the clothing quilts for my kids graduation, that I make them on a machine that has the capability to sew a straight line.
"Sew" she took me out on Saturday and bought me this sweet thing!
It was on sale for $100 off!
It is amazing compared to the machine I was using.
It's quiet, smooth, and look how many different stitches I can do.
Now, only to find time to play!!!!!
Thanks Mom, your the best.

1 comment:

Jane said...

OOooooo, lucky girl!
Have fun!
Can't wait to see your creations!


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge