SOL/Connie: Promotion
Here in our bedroom oasis, tucked in the corner, a treadmill stands in its upright position. No longer does it wait to be ran on, because it has been transformed into a dvd, and TV box, entertainment center. I'm sure that it was content with that roll, until the most recent promotion that my dear husband has received. Little did we know, (both the treadmill and I) that we to would be in store of a promotion. The treadmill, has now become a place for any clothes that need ironing. This is the place they hang, just waiting for me to grab a hold of them and massage all the wrinkles out. For years, the Mister, has been asking for this to be done for him, and for years, I have promised that when the kids were gone I would gladly do all the ironing his heart desired. Little did I know that I would be promoted to the Head Ironing Lady so soon. I have 2 choices, 1. I could be haunted by the clothes that hang there and call out to me every time I enter the oasis of our bedroom. Or 2. I could somehow embrace this promotion and do it with joy. As of now, I have chosen #2. When the clothes beckon me before the rightful time, I pray that he would have eyes only for me and that he is safe where ever he might be the next time he is wearing that outfit, because his new promotion doesn't only require nice clothes, but times of travel. When the time of ironing is at hand, I pray for each part of his body that the piece of clothing covers. So I'm enjoying and embracing this new promotion, and can only hope as time goes on I will be a master at my trade. As for the treadmill, it already has surpassed all that we could have possibly asked of it.
Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge
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