Rise and Shine?!?!
If you know me at all you know I am not a morning person. The past 4 nights in a row now I have been waking up at unspeakable hours in the early morning only to lay there. I enjoy sleeping so, this has been a little frustrating to say the least. Anyways~today I got myself out of bed with Troy at 5ish, yes, AM!!!! As we talked about this problem I am having, I came to realize, it may be the Lords way of getting my attention. I have not been very faithful to spending much time with Him lately. (all this means is that I haven't been reading the Bible, not to freak anyone out) So needless to say I had a wonderful time with Him this early AM and what was the most fun is the verses He gave me helped guide me to finish the World's Apart Part 2 post that I wanted to do!!!! Thanks God! I really like to blog if you can't tell and often wonder if I am on my way to an addiction that will go bad one day, like all good addictions do. But as for now I felt the encouragement of the Lord to share with you today. "What's the word He spoke to you?", you ask. By all means I would love to share, thanks for asking....
Matthew 10:27 "What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops."
NOTE: It was dark when I woke and by the time I was finished with the post, it was light, though I was not on the housetop, I do believe the world wide web, will be sufficient! SO here is Part 2!
Worlds Apart: Part 2
As the one neighbor put the groceries away, the warm summer breeze came through the kitchen. As it gently rolled through it carried whispers of truth with it.
"Worlds apart?, Really?"
"Have you forgotten the ground is all level at the cross?!"
"Are you not distracted and tempted by the same things; money, respect, power?"
As the frozen pizzas and bread found there rightful spots in the freezer and pantry--she came to the realization of the true reality.
Worlds apart they weren't.
They were really only inches from the property line.
By: Connie
Oh Lord you have reminded me of how merciful and gracious you have been to me. There is no one good, not even one. It doesn't matter what a tattoo or bracelet says because you look at the heart of man! You are not fooled. Though I am tempted with the things of this world you have given me sweet freedom from it all. I pray for all of us who stand inches from the property line, might we always realize the reality that awaits us of freedom and life just on the other side, that you so free and willingly desire for us to have. You are so good to me, my sweet Lord.
So, So, goood.
Romans 3:10-12 "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one."
1 Samuel 16:7 "For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."
John 8:32 "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Walking in Freedom, only by the blood of Christ,
1 comment:
Awesome post! This post truly touched my heart and I am so glad that you wrote it. You have a gift!
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