Monday, August 18, 2008

Another funeral.......

is on the horizon for us. Troy's Grandpa passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning. This is the spouse of the Grandmother that just passed away in June. We are still trying to get a bit of a grip on things as the realization of it all sets in.
It is very interesting to me how though I do not like the idea of any drawn out sufferings for either myself or others, especially to people I care about, there is something to be said to have the time to make amends or just to say the things that need to be said with the tenderness of heart. As I reflect today this loss for me is like when my kids were little and sitting on my lap and would get restless and want to get down and they toss their heads back and it smacks you square in the nose!!!! That's what it felt like to get the news. As Troy and I talked yesterday, we are reminded of just how short this life really is, and before long we will be the ones on the front line having to make decisions of how to care for our parents and funeral arrangements. Our 30's have been a time of realization that we aren't getting any younger and the responsibilities that once belonged to our parents will soon be on our shoulders. I am so thankful for having such great examples of how to handle these things in our parents.
My prayer today is that somehow I will know this truth afresh each day, not missing any opportunity to care for those I love and that have been put in my life, because in the end this is all that matters. It's not the career that we hold, the car we drive, the house we live in, how much $ we make, clothes we wear. Teach me Lord, because I am so easily distracted by those things.
With that being said, I am sure I don't know who all reads my blog, but for those who I know do, I want to tell you with all rawness and truth how much I care about you all. You are all dear to me in your own way and I love who you are. I pray that you would know today how much you are loved and that you have left fingerprints of yourself all over my life, and for that I am grateful.
With a full heart,

1 comment:

Jane said...

Right back at ya, my friend.
You are loved as well.
~auntie jane


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge