Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Outside my window...winter greens and bare red branches.

I am thinking...my house is to quiet.

I am thankful...that I am truly in love with my husband.

From the learning rooms...complaints about having to read about Hitler!

In the kitchen...lots of half-full and empty cups on the counter, books, pencils, and paper, too.

I am wearing...my favorite jeans and a Bronco sweatshirt.

I am creating...all occasion cards, HomeMade laundry soap, and essential oil air fresheners.

I am going...to talk with a financial guy about college tuition tonight. Yikes!

I am wondering...if I have done right by my kids.

I am reading..."Feathers from my Nest" by: Mrs. Beth Moore

I am hoping...that our Christmas tree will keep its needles until the 25th.

I am looking forward to...Carter's 12th birthday!

I am hearing...the quiet creative play of a child.

Around the house...wrapped gifts and projects waiting.

I am pondering...how it is going to all work out.

One of my favorite things...is my families laughter.

A few plans for the rest of the week: groceries, EAA, meal plan, and plan a birthday party.

Here is picture for the thought I am sharing...

Carter is one cool dude!

If you would like to participate with your own daybook or simply read other entries please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook. ~Thanks for stopping by, Connie

1 comment:

Kim said...

A Bronco sweatshirt?! A girl after my own heart. :D
I'm glad you are updating your blog and I look forward to reading and enjoying every word! xoxo.


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge