I look out over the snowy lake and watch as the 2 men look in the holes to see if they have caught any fish. My eyes burn from the lack of sleep and my legs drag as I move to a different window to get a better view of the horizon. As I take in the beauty that surrounds me, I reflect about the hearts of my friends, who shared just the day before in the very room I stand. My heart aches for them as I recall their stories full of pain. I wonder what this new day will bring for both them and myself. The time comes to share with others of the new things that God is doing and the truth that had been hidden is now revealed to a room of 380 women. Quiet stillness, faces full of pain appear, and tears slowly fall. My friend stands tall as she chokes on her words as she shares the truth of a long kept lie, and then it happens~she smiles. I'm sure her journey to healing has just begun, but I do know that a sense of freedom came across her face on this cold morning and it warmed the whole room.
"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
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