Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sol/On the other side

I look out at the faces of women and wonder....
What there morning was like just before they got here?
How is their marriage, is she sure of his commitment to her?
Is she just tired of trying to make everything work?
Does she worry about her weight, what she should wear, and how her hair looks?
Does she drink to numb the hurts that have been dished out to her?
Has anyone told her "thank you" lately?
Does she wonder that if she wasn't there, would anyone notice or care?
Is she ready to throw in the towel?
Is she sick of having the same fight with her husband over and over?
Do they struggle like I do?
They all look so together.
Do I have anything to really offer them?
And then it happens. The chatter in the room of real women, who are not very different from me at all, and I am strengthen and encouraged to be able to offer them hope.

Thanks for those of you who prayed for me. It was a blessing to be on the panel and it went well and I am looking forward to how God will use the things that were said.
Praise God for His great care.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I'm so glad it went well for you.


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge