Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Petal Pounding Original

It was my mother-in-law's birthday and she has everything, and what she doesn't have she buys, so.....the kids and I made her a wall hanging that turned out so good that it was hard to give it away. The kids all were willing to do it and we had alot of fun making it together. Seems petal pounding is man enough of a craft for my boys to do. It was my first attempt of sewing a quilt like square and it went pretty well and I am looking forward to making a few more. I used the sewing machine that was Troy's grandma's, Marsha's mom's, who just pasted away, and the fabric on the back was from my grandma and so was the batting in the middle. The thread was my own from Hobby Lobby and I have finally experienced first hand what thread is, while making this. Thank you to my Aunts for letting me in on it, or I would have just thought it was me. Hope you are all as impressed as I was with the way it turned out.
Blessings Today,


Jane said...

LOVE your project!!! I'm so proud of you all. Wherever I have taught this, it is the boys who love to do it. Just remember to tell them to "pound like a girl", then you can stand the noise!

I am also laughing my head off over your adventure with the "special" thread! In spite of it you did an amazing piece of work.

Your bestest auntie ~jane

Anonymous said...

I didn't know they sold "that kind" of thread at Hobby Lobby!

I love You!

Anonymous said...

That is soo funny about your first hand experience with that "Special Thread"! Now you know my sentiments first hand! HAHAHA

Auntie Ellen


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge