Home and in their own beds, all safe and sound, is where I love for them to be.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thank You Auntie Jane!!!!!!
I did it!!!!! I am so excited. I put my playlist on my blog.
Oh Sweet Victory,
Oh Sweet Victory,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Love this Quote!!!
“God is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, “Do you believe there is a God?” you may find yourself answering, “No, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.”
~Ernest Boyer, Jr.
~Ernest Boyer, Jr.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Encouraged Today!
Today I'm up earlier then usual and had a completely quiet house to have my quiet time in. I have been enjoying my time with the Lord quite a bit more than normal, probably because of the practice of the Disciplines that I have been reading about. Anyways-This morning I feel like a little kid who is going to Great America for the first time. I have had a sort of renewing of my spirit today and am so thankful. The verse that I focused in on was the Matthew 4:21b-22. It says, "mending their nets and he called them. Immediately, they left the boat and their father and followed him." Since I gave my life to Christ 8 years ago, I have always admired those fisherman that up and left everything to follow this guy Jesus who just seems to stroll up to them. I would put myself in their shoes and ask, Would I have done that? No, probably not. But after thinking on it. These men were Jews and like most Jewish people they were waiting for the Messiah/Savior to come. Today, I realized, they were waiting and watching as they went about their daily business, so when Jesus came and called them they recognized the one they were waiting for. Another thing I would always ask myself is, "If Jesus returns before I die, will I know who he is?" So today I have come to realize I am more like James and John then I had thought before. They quite possibly had the same thoughts. I am so encouraged because they were just regular people, just like I am, going about their business and when Jesus called they heard because they knew the one they waited for. I love that each day I can seek Christ diligently and get to know him better, and I trust that if he returns while I'm still here, I will recognize him.
Now that is exciting in itself, but it's not the thing that gets my heart pumping like the next realization or better said, renewal of mind I had. If all is true of the 10 verses I have been meditating on, and there is no doubt that they are, then God is the ruler who promises to shepherd his people, and desires for all to seek him diligently and when we do, he gives signs through nature and other avenues to guide people to himself to worship him. He calls all mankind to repent because his kingdom is at hand. He is able to take stones and raise them up into children of Abraham. He is the one who warns that the axe is laid at the root of the tree. Therefore if it doesn't bear good fruit, it will be cut down and thrown in the fire. He is the one who leads us through temptations and it is by every word that comes from His mouth that we are sustained. He is the Lord our God and he alone is the one we should serve. He is the great light that has dawned in this land of darkness and given hope to those who live in the shadow of death. He is the one who calls regular people to himself in the midst of their daily lives and desires that they surrender it all and follow him.
As I type my heart fills with joy and my eyes with tears at knowing what a wonderful God I have and that his love for all people is so great and free for the taking. I pray for those I love that still have not heard the call of Jesus Christ in their lives and are still busy mending their nets. Oh how my heart aches for them and how I long for their freedom. The Lord is so patient and good. I pray that today would be the day of Salvation for them. I'm excited and thankful because today I was reminded that, this is what the Lord does and this is who He is.
Might you all be lavished in the Love and Grace of my Sweet Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today. Knowing that you have been lifted before His throne of Grace.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
"Hey Dad, will you play catch with me after dinner?"
Sure, get your glove.
Cleaning up from dinner, I look outside to see the two of them tossing the ball back and forth. Next thing I hear...
"Can I play too?"
Sure go grab your glove.
So on I go about my mom business. Putting away school books for summer and looking ahead for what's to come next fall. Walking back into the kitchen I look out the window and see the 3 older boys have brought out some bats and the game is on. Everyone is having a great time. Smiles and laughter fill the air as the game goes on. Oh how I wish I could bottle up this moment in time. I continue with my business and try to burn the image in my mind as to not soon forget.
Pound, Pound, Pound on the glass of the patio door.....muffled, "Mom, Mom, Mom, can you please come out and help us?"
Ok, I'll be right there. Part of me wants to stay in and finish what I'm doing, but the other voice in my head reminds me that these days will soon be over. So out I go.
"Who's team am I on?"
"Who's up to bat?"
You can go.
The Field which consists of all the older boys laugh, and say, "Everybody move in!!!"
"Oh you funny boys."
They move in and I smack it way past their heads. "Who's laughing now, boys?"
On first base is my oldest child who proceeds to put his arm around me and tell me how much he loves me. For a moment, I pat myself on the back and think, "WOW, he is 13 and does this in front of his friends. I must have done something right!!!" Then I realize, by the firm grip around my neck, that he is just trying to hold me at first.
SO the game of backyard baseball went, laughter, complaining, smiles and tears, overall we had fun.
Before long darkness was upon us and it was time to turn in. The gloves, bats, and tennis ball were put away and the neighbor kids put on their shoes and rode home quickly before the street lights came on.
The yard is still until next time.
By: Connie Hoehne June 2008
"Hey Dad, will you play catch with me after dinner?"
Sure, get your glove.
Cleaning up from dinner, I look outside to see the two of them tossing the ball back and forth. Next thing I hear...
"Can I play too?"
Sure go grab your glove.
So on I go about my mom business. Putting away school books for summer and looking ahead for what's to come next fall. Walking back into the kitchen I look out the window and see the 3 older boys have brought out some bats and the game is on. Everyone is having a great time. Smiles and laughter fill the air as the game goes on. Oh how I wish I could bottle up this moment in time. I continue with my business and try to burn the image in my mind as to not soon forget.
Pound, Pound, Pound on the glass of the patio door.....muffled, "Mom, Mom, Mom, can you please come out and help us?"
Ok, I'll be right there. Part of me wants to stay in and finish what I'm doing, but the other voice in my head reminds me that these days will soon be over. So out I go.
"Who's team am I on?"
"Who's up to bat?"
You can go.
The Field which consists of all the older boys laugh, and say, "Everybody move in!!!"
"Oh you funny boys."
They move in and I smack it way past their heads. "Who's laughing now, boys?"
On first base is my oldest child who proceeds to put his arm around me and tell me how much he loves me. For a moment, I pat myself on the back and think, "WOW, he is 13 and does this in front of his friends. I must have done something right!!!" Then I realize, by the firm grip around my neck, that he is just trying to hold me at first.
SO the game of backyard baseball went, laughter, complaining, smiles and tears, overall we had fun.
Before long darkness was upon us and it was time to turn in. The gloves, bats, and tennis ball were put away and the neighbor kids put on their shoes and rode home quickly before the street lights came on.
The yard is still until next time.
By: Connie Hoehne June 2008
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Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.
~John Eldredge
~John Eldredge