Day 2
Thursday, August 2, 2007 we left our hotel in Fargo, ND and are headed to Peerless, Montana. On our way we stopped to visit the Badlands. It was totally awesome. We saw Bison, Elk, White-tail Deer, Wild Horses, Prairie Dogs, and my favorite the most breath taking Sunset I ever saw. We found out they call them the Badlands because in the past it was bad to travel through. There was a cute little Boomtown in Merdona and we stopped for pizza. They had cute shops and the whole atmosphere was real fun. We left there around 9:30pm (our time), 8:30pm (Santa’s time) and we were headed to Peerless. Once we left I94 there was pretty much…….nothing, so we didn’t miss any sites because of the dark. When we reached Scoby, MT, we were thrilled to be almost there and just as we pulled into town, and I mean on the very edge of town a police officer spotted us and flipped on his lights and so we pulled over, like good citizens, and Troy realized he still had his brites on and assumed that was the problem only to find out, we were going 32mph instead of 25mph. We tried to explain that this was our 1st time here and it is only 7 over and we just pulled in from the highway, but needless to say there was no convincing him. So he charged us $55 on the spot, and we were free to go. Then we took our precious little girl in the tavern because she had to go to the bathroom and that was the only thing open……uggggg! I held both of her hands and guided her through so she didn’t have to look up as we walked through. Then it was Peerless or bust. We pulled in to Santa’s place around 1:30 am. Our beds were ready and we were all to happy to stretch out and go to sleep. Have I mentioned what excellent car riders our kids were. Today they were in the car for almost 11 hours straight. Thanking God for his care, provision and the perseverance he’s given our kids.
 Day 3
Friday, August 3, 2007, Peerless, Montana. Today was a nice and relaxing day. Santa’s actual birthday was today. We got the grand tour of all the surrounding farms and ranches. We drove about 18 more miles north to the U.S. and Canada border. All that separates us from them is a barbed wire fence. The kids and Troy ran around on the 4-wheeler and Trevor rode a dirt bike for the 1st time and I off course missed the Kodak moment. This community is pretty amazing. We got to hear lots of stories of “old” on our tour. Most of the farms have been in the same family since the land was settled back in the 1800’s. The actual homestead house is still here on Santa’s property. I will take a photo tomorrow. I love to meet the people and hear how they live. Not a whole lot of things to distract you out here in this country. I think it would be an ideal place to raise children of character. My favorite part of today was the very end. We ate pork chops, pasta salad, and potatoes for dinner and all the neighbors came over and when tummy’s were full they just sat and talked with each other. The coolest thing was that they were all from different age groups, young and old, enjoying one another’s company. The young interacted with the old and old with the young, in away that was very respectful. These are the things I long for, for my children in a community. Excited to see what tomorrow brings.
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