Day 10
Friday, August 10th, 2007 today we head East for home. Before we leave Yellowstone we took a dip in the hot springs, it was great. The water was wonderful and the scene was beautiful. The kids wanted to get some sovieners that they saw on the way out in Medona, ND. This put a little pressure on to get back there before they closed, but we made it. The boys got to real cool wooden guns and Tori got a real cute tea set. Then it was back on the road to find a reasonable place to eat. We stopped in Dickenson at a Taco Johns and it cost about $23. Troy was of course disgusted with paying that much for fast food. As we sat eating we could see a storm heading in and so it was back in the car to try to stay ahead of it. The sky was wild as it crept up behind us and seemed to want to enclose all around us. It headed mostly Northeast so we weren’t to affected by it. Then we saw some real cool clouds that we had seen a picture of earlier in our trip at the Peerless school. It was awesome to see them in the flesh. We didn’t have a hotel so we decided to try to find a room in Bismark. We ended up at the Fairfield Inn again for only $80!!!!! Good Job, Troy.
Then it was showers for us and off to bed. Tomorrow we will have a very long drive to home. Our plan is to leave around 10am and be home around 10pm, Lord willing.
 Day 11
Saturday, August 11th, 2007 the final leg of our adventure. Breakfast at the hotel, a quick swim and then its back in the car. We drove, drove, drove and drove. It was mostly uneventful and then we pulled off so we could take a bathroom break and get gas and there was a homeless man that was in need of food. We gave him an apple then after we got to the gas station we made up a food bag for him. We stopped and talked with him and he said he was coming from WI and he was on the West side of Minnesota. After we left we prayed for his safety and salvation. It felt real good to help someone who seemed to have nothing. Our hope is he will read the track that we gave him and come to know that Jesus is the miracle he’s looking for and one day we will see him in heaven and hear of how the rest of his journey went. The closer we got to home the harder it was to stay patient in the car. We didn’t get lost our whole trip until we got to WI?!? How does that happen? We have driven these roads a ton of times, but of course we still miss the turn on HWY 10 and end up going about 20 minutes out of our way and having to drive through the little towns of Coloma, Wautoma, Red Granite, and Omro!!!!!!!! UGGGGGG……but we finally made it home. It was a welcome sight at 11pm after driving since 10:45 am. When we got there Grandma Vicki, Papa Dick, and Auntie Chris were there to both welcome us and help unpack the car.
 Day 12
Sunday, August 12th, 2007, the short version of reflection on our trip……I have learned much, so much that it all hasn’t really even had a chance to sink in. We have learned much about one another as individuals and as a family whole. We have fears that we didn’t realize and courage that we didn’t know we had. We learned that our Trevor can and will stand firm when faced with temptations to do things that wouldn’t be God honoring. He also has a love for our extended family and friends that runs very deep. We have learned that our Tori, who has always been cautious of animals of any kind, had the courage to be the 1st one out of the car to see the big buffalo, elk, and grizzly bear. She also had no problem looking over the mountain sides. Then there’s our Carter….he needs to climb and move. This isn’t all that new, but it seems he has become more independent. He doesn’t want any help…he assures us that he can do it!!!! He is starting to let go of our hands and branching out to experience adventure on his own. My heart rejoices in all of it and at the same time, aches. This trip has grown us all. Then there’s Troy…..he is a man’s man!!!! I admire him more than ever. He is a fabulous Dad and a man who is always up for an adventure. He will do what it takes to conquer and protect. My man needs adventure and I hope I will never squash that out of him ever again. Then there’s me……it is possible for me to go with the flow and not have to plan out every move and can actually deal with changes on a whim and do it somewhat gracefully!!!! I am thankful for this family that I have been placed in and pray that we will continue to grow close to one another and not forget anytime soon the lessons we learned on our family adventure to Montana!!!!!!!!